Total Lobbying Income: $16,130,000
Groups That Have Retained Akin, Gump et al: Client Total Subsidiary (Lobbied For)
Ad Hoc Nitrogen Committee $30,000 -
Aetna Inc $0 -
Affinion Group $0 -
Akorn $60,000 -
Alameda Alliance for Health $70,000 -
Alfred C Toepfer International $0 -
Alliance for a Stronger FDA $160,000 -
Alliance for Competitive Tax Policy $40,000 -
Alliance of Dedicated Cancer Centers $190,000 -
American Council of Life Insurers $280,000 -
Anheuser-Busch InBev $20,000 Anheuser-Busch
Apollo Advisors $350,000 -
Aramark Corp $0 -
Archer Daniels Midland $120,000 -
AREVA Group $70,000 -
AT&T Inc $240,000 -
Azurix Corp $0 -
Bain Capital $120,000 -
Balfour Beatty Construction $140,000 -
Barrick Gold $20,000 -
Bechtel Group $0 -
BluWav Systems $90,000 -
Boeing Co $300,000 -
Bridgestone Corp $280,000 Bridgestone Americas
Broadcom Corp $40,000 -
CA State Railroad Museum Foundation $40,000 -
California Assn of Physician Groups $80,000 -
Capmark Financial Group $0 -
Catalina Health Resource $160,000 -
Centerpoint Properties $10,000 -
Cernium Corp $0 -
CF Industries $180,000 -
Chamberlain Group $100,000 -
Cherokee Investment Partners $0 -
City of Houston, TX $120,000 -
City of Woodland, CA $40,000 -
City of Yonkers, NY $100,000 City of Yonkers Industrial Devel Agcy
Clark/Balfour Beatty $0 -
Cltn for 21st Century Patent Reform $630,000 -
Codexis Inc $50,000 -
Commerce Clause Coalition $40,000 -
Consumer Electronics Assn $80,000 -
Corrections Corp of America $160,000 -
Cox Enterprises $200,000 -
Crow Tribe $120,000 -
Cryolife Inc $20,000 -
Cumberland Community Improvement Dist $50,000 -
Delaware North Companies $120,000 -
Delhaize Group $20,000 Food Lion
Detica DFI $0 -
Dow Chemical $50,000 -
Doyon Drilling Inc $100,000 -
Doyon Utilities LLC $10,000 -
Eastman Chemicals $120,000 -
EMC Corp $0 -
Empresas Fonalledas $480,000 -
Florida Citrus Mutual $190,000 -
Fluor Corp $160,000 -
Fontana Union Water Co $30,000 -
Foothill/Eastern Transp Corridor Agency $200,000 -
Fort Lauderdale Downtown Devel Authority $80,000 -
FPL Group $100,000 Florida Power & Light
General Electric $160,000 -
George Kaiser Family Foundation $110,000 -
Gila River Indian Community $800,000 -
Gilead Sciences $160,000 -
Guardian Industries $60,000 -
Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center $60,000 -
Gwinnett Village Communty Impvmnt Dstrct $70,000 -
Hampton Roads Mil & Fed Facil Alliance $260,000 -
Harbor Maintenance Tax $0 -
Harrah's Entertainment $40,000 -
Harris County Metro Transit Authority $40,000 -
Hess Corp $310,000 -
Honeywell International $160,000 -
Hudson Advisors $290,000 -
Hudson Advisors $110,000 Hudson Advisors/Lone Star Funds
Hunt Building $0 -
Hunt Institute $0 -
Hunter Douglas $10,000 -
Ice Energy $160,000 -
Indoor Tanning Assn $80,000 -
Inter-American University of Puerto Rico $60,000 -
ISE Corp $20,000 -
Johnson & Johnson $100,000 -
Kaleida Health $30,000 -
Kamehameha Schools $320,000 -
Kansas Bioscience Authority $160,000 -
KKR & Co $400,000 -
Large Public Power Council $60,000 -
Lenovo Group $200,000 -
Liberty Mutual Insurance $170,000 -
Linebarger, Goggan et al $0 -
Live Nation $110,000 -
Lowe's Companies $60,000 -
Magna Services of America $20,000 -
MDVIP Inc $0 -
Medtronic Inc $30,000 -
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center $120,000 -
Mgt of America $0 -
Moody's Corp $470,000 -
Mortgage Insurance Companies of America $460,000 -
Motion Picture Assn of America $120,000 -
NASDAQ OMX Group $0 -
National Air Cargo $0 -
National Registered Agents Inc $80,000 -
Netapp $0 -
New York State Energy Research/Devel Aut $0 -
Niagara Frontier Transport Authority $100,000 -
North Sacramento Land Co $0 -
Northern California Power Agency $100,000 -
Novavax Inc $30,000 -
OncoLogics Inc $70,000 -
Oneida Nation of Indians $40,000 -
Osage Tribe of Indians $0 -
Panflu $10,000 -
Pardee Construction $60,000 Pardee Homes
Pearson Education $60,000 NCS Pearson
Pegasus Assoc $0 -
PerkinElmer Inc $60,000 -
Pfizer Inc $0 -
PG&E Corp $330,000 -
Pharmaceutical Marketing Research Group $60,000 -
Pharmathene Inc $60,000 -
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska $0 -
Port of Long Beach $100,000 -
Prasco $60,000 -
Preston Harbor $20,000 -
Private Equity Council $300,000 -
Progressive Expert Consulting $60,000 -
QAI Inc $0 -
Rochester General Health System $40,000 -
Rochester Genesee Regional Transp Auth $20,000 -
Royal Dutch Shell $240,000 Shell Oil
Samsung Group $0 Samsung Electronics America
Santa Clara Family Health Plan $20,000 -
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Auth $100,000 -
Select Health of South Carolina $0 -
Seneca Nation of Indians $0 -
Shangri-La Industries LLC $100,000 -
Shoshone Paiute Tribes of Duck Valley $50,000 -
Solano County, CA $80,000 -
Solano County, CA $60,000 Solano Transportation Authority
Southern Maryland Naval Alliance $0 -
St Barnabas Healthcare Systems $180,000 -
State University of New York $100,000 -
Stone Tower Capital $0 -
Syracuse Research Corp $160,000 -
Tariff Action Coalition $100,000 -
Texas Instruments $20,000 -
Tishman Speyer $60,000 -
Tyco Electronics $130,000 -
Tyco International $60,000 Covidien Ltd
Tyco International $40,000 -
United Keetoowah Band/Cherokee Indians $40,000 -
United Technologies $80,000 -
US Chamber of Commerce $330,000 US Chamber Institute for Legal Reform
US Chamber of Commerce $0 -
Volkswagen AG $170,000 -
Walt Disney Co $0 -
Wireless Generation $0 -
Woodside Natural Gas $40,000 -
Yuba County, CA $60,000 -
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