Saturday, December 19, 2009

True competition

Dr. Bruner’s letter of Dec. 17 makes an incorrect assumption. He infers that by providing a government option or a Medicare buy-in option it will provide the “competitive pressure” necessary to drive down the costs of health care insurance premiums.

What is needed is more insurance companies being able to do business in more states. This would provide true competition to drive down premiums. Pay attention everybody: The government can’t run anything correctly. The government has never completed anything for the original estimated costs. The government has never run anything efficiently. The government does not create jobs or wealth. The only thing the government can do is take something from one person and give it to another. That’s it!

The government is not the answer! Private industry and small business that are allowed to flourish create a healthy economy. If you are curious about where the liberals in this world are trying to lead us, take a hard look at what Hugo Chavez had to say in Copenhagen. He quoted Karl Marx, railed against capitalism and received extended ovations for his “inspiration.” There is our future if we allow it and this health care bill to proceed

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